How my sponge cake efforts led to a major home reno

Sue Tierney

Funny how the desire to bake cakes ends with the roof off my home and wind whistling through the rooms in midwinter.

Let’s start at the beginning...

I have never been much of a domestic goddess but recently I discovered the joys of home baking. Victoria sponges in particular.

My oven and I have not been close acquaintances over the years so the desire to perfect my sponge skills led to (you guessed it) a new oven.

Replacing the oven meant I might as well update my kitchen.

Updating my kitchen meant I needed new flooring and windows.

New flooring and windows meant taking the roof off – so re-roofing was the next step.

Re-roofing led to fixing the cladding on the house exterior.

…and since I was fixing the cladding and almost everything else, I might as well install a new bathroom at the same time.

So there I was, camping out at home in the coldest month of the year, with heaters blazing but the room temperature struggling to get over 15 degrees. I kept a smile on my face by holding fast to the mantra: This too will pass!

So now I have a lovely new kitchen plus a renovated home. However, for the cost of it all, I could have had sponge cakes delivered every week for the rest of my life, and still have money left over!

Dollars and sense

The whole exercise was a crash course in project management. If you’ve gone through a similar experience, you’ll know exactly what I mean. 

Read the mortgage news in this issue for more observations on home renovation costs and pitfalls.

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