Youngish and healthy? I have some sobering news for you.
More than 20% of claims for disability income protection with a major New Zealand insurer were paid out to policyholders under the age of 40.
What’s more, 28% of claims for people in this age group were for ‘musculo-skeletal injury.’ (Read: bad back.) Yes, there are significant numbers of 30-somethings who can’t work due to a bad back.
Think cancer only happens to old people? More than 40% of claims for life insurance involving people under 40 were for deaths from cancer.
I don’t want to be a downer. You’ll probably be fine. But what if lightning strikes, and you have to leave the workforce for a lengthy period, or for good? You’ll want a rock-solid insurance policy to pay out.
The best time to take out insurance is when you’re young and healthy. You’ll lock in cover with no exclusions because you won’t have pre-existing health conditions. If you haven’t done so – do it now.
Whatever your age.
I’m always happy to review your insurance policies at no charge
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