Imagine putting off a discussion about insurance for years, and then finally getting around to it. Eventually you sign up to a new policy.
Now, imagine if you had to make a claim almost as soon as your new cover was in place.
This is exactly what happened to one client.
Our client decided not to put off insurance any longer. They set up an appointment and we worked together to set up the policy. The client paid the first premium…and then had an accident.
We were so happy to confirm a full payout after a quick phone call to the insurer.
While no one wants to suffer misfortune, life is much easier if you have the funds to support you and your family while you focus on getting better. It’s a huge relief.
Now is the perfect time to review insurance and put in place cover that matches your lifestyle. It’s especially important if relationships, children, property and
career changes have entered the picture since you last looked at insurance.
There are some innovative policies that may surprise you with their benefits and perks. Most of all, you’ll have the satisfaction of ticking off a critical item from
your to-do list.
If your insurance review shows that you don’t need new cover, we will tell you. We’re not looking to sell you anything – simply to check that you’re covered for the risks you face. And of course, our advice is free.
Don't put it off. Click the ‘Book Appointment’ button below now to set up a chat.
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