It’s only human to avoid irksome tasks, such as updating your will. I know this all too well!
I was in my late teens when I made my first will. Entering fulltime employment and taking my first steps into property ownership, I thought I should leave some instructions in case I was hit by the proverbial bus.
Over the next few decades I went through many changes – getting married, getting divorced, starting a business and acquiring assets. At some point I should have updated my will but I kept putting it off.
It was Dr Fred Grosse who brought the issue into focus. I still giggle to myself when I think of the seminar where he told us to put our affairs in order. What was that all about?
So I put off reviewing my will for two whole years. Who wants to contemplate their own passing when they’re in the middle of life? But Dr Fred had a point. A will clarifies the legacy you want to leave and helps bring focus to your life. So finally, I dug out my old will, photocopied it, crossed out the stuff I wanted to delete, and added some new bequests and instructions.
I scanned the scribbled-on document into my computer and emailed it to my lawyer. Job done! Then I wondered why on earth I had procrastinated over this simple task for so long.
That set me wondering. How many other things do we put off for months or years? Just last month I sat with a client who needed to contact his phone company to sort out a billing issue. The thought of being stuck in call centre purgatory was putting him off. Finally he made that call – and secured a $2,500 refund. I’m proud of him!
In the words of Nike: Just Do It! So if you’ve been avoiding making or updating your will, be more sensible than me, and don’t procrastinate. My lawyer friend Megan Williams of Steindle Williams has created a simple tip sheet to help you pull together all the information your lawyer needs. Check it out here
Don’t delay. Just Do It!
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