Tenancies Act review – have your say
Landlords; what is bothering you?
The government is going to undertake a large scale review of the Residential Tenancies Act. The NZ Property Investors Federation and Associations are going to have input to establish what the real issues are.
NZPIF President Craig Paddon asked us to collate as many problems that we are experiencing as landlords and if possible, potential solutions that could be made to te RTA that would remove the problem.
So far we have very little response from APIA members, which is disheartening. Perhaps the following suggestions will provide food for thought and get other members to respond. Suggestions received so far:
It has been suggested that meeting in small groups is the best way to discuss problems and potential problems you are having in managing your properties. Get together with other members of APIA or other non-member landlords to discuss things you would like to have changed.
If you do not have any landlord acquaintances but would like to meet others to discuss property management issues, then contact our office on 09 379 9692 or click this link to send an e-mail to admin@apia.org.nz and we will endeavour to put you in contact with other members in your area.
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